Bookstore Programs
Through its outreach and programming, a thriving community bookstore connects kids to books, parents to kids, readers to writers, and teachers to texts. The Lucky Rabbit follows suit, as a site for story times, baby music times, book clubs, and host of national author visits and events throughout the year.

Story Lab
The Story Lab will offer a variety of writing workshops and bookmaking activities for visitors of all ages. As a popular destination for school field trips and public programming, the Story Lab will be a site of boundless investigation into the manifold types of writing that inform our culture. Storyboarding, journaling, exploring the art of picture books, zine making, fiction writing, essay writing, and poetry are just a few of the areas young people can explore to unleash their imaginations and broaden their narrative competencies.

Print Shop
Our letterpress Print Shop is both a production facility and an educational shop. It will produce a host of products for The Lucky Rabbit bookstore, including t-shirts, journals, cards, posters, bookplates and limited edition books. It will also collaborate with our Story Lab to create educational programming for children and adults around bookmaking, binding, printmaking, paper-making and other areas of the book arts.

Maker Space
The Tons-of-Fun Room is a full-scale maker space that will host both public programs and school programs. It will feature art-making and crafting workshops inspired by and connected to the artistic lives of the authors and illustrators featured in the museum, enriching the exhibit experience. Activities will include felting, puppetry, paper mâché projects, yarn arts, textile printing, and more. The Tons-of-Fun Room will also host birthday parties.

Discovery Gallery
The Discovery Gallery is a traditional art gallery that will feature the original illustrations and storybook art connected to our exhibits. Discovery Gallery exhibits will rotate every 6-8 months and host both school programs and public programs.

The Library is an essential educational hub within The Rabbit hOle where visitors, families, and educators can explore the lives of authors and illustrators represented in the museum amidst a vast collection of books that will include their entire bodies of work. As a multi-use program area, the Library is a place where families can enjoy the quiet comfort of the Reading Room, while educators can participate in ongoing workshops and professional development opportunities inside the Resource Library.